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Speak with our team about how we can help you - 01256 377741

Healthcare & Professionals

Contracted Work

As the NHS changes so does the way heathcare services are provided.

The Pain Team is a limited company and is able to engage in contracts for the provision of Pain Management services.

We have had a contract at the Southampton ISTC to provide injection based treatments for patients with radicular pains. This was a great success for the patients we saw and we had to increase the service provided to meet the demand.

As a company we are keen to maintain our position as the primary independent provider of pain management solutions in our region.

As clinicans we are keen to promote this route as we believe we can provide the patient’s best quality pain management services at the commissioner’s best price.

Please contact us for more information


"The Pain Team have improved the quality of my day-to-day existence enormously. I remain most grateful."